Acts of law
All Special Economic Zones in Poland function based on The Special Economic Zones Act (October 10th 1994 r.) with later modifications. The Katowice Special Economic Zone was established in 1996 as a result of a Ministry’s Decree (16 June 1996) concerning The Katowice Special Economic Zone with later amendments. Additionally The KSEZ activities are regulated by several Ministry Decrees related to public aid, bidding procedure or the area of the Katowice Special Economic Zone.
On an international level the Special Economic Zones in Poland have to comply with European Union legal acts such as The European Committee Recommendation (6 May 2003) or The Commission Decree nr 800/2008 (6 August 2008). All of the important legal acts concerning The Katowice Special Economic Zone are listed below.
POLISH INVESTMENT ZONE - new regulations
- REGULATION OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS of 28 August 2018 on state aid granted to certain enterpreneurs for the implementation of new investments
- Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 28 December 2021 changing the regulation on state aid granted to certain entrepreneurs for the implementation of new investments (to find out if there is an English version available please contact us directly)
- ACT of 10 May 2018 on support for new investments
- REGULATION OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS - 10 December 2008 - on public aid granted to economic entities operating pursuant to a permit for carrying out business activity within special economic zones
- REGULATION OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS - 10 December 2008 - on criteria which need to be met to cover some lands by a special economic zo
Letter of intend